Taking Better Care Of Your Skin

Taking Better Care Of Your Skin

5 Sunscreen Myths Busted

Sunscreen use is one of the best ways to protect yourself from the sun's negative and damaging effects without hiding away inside, but you're not fully protected if you aren't using your sunscreen correctly. Get the facts about common sunscreen myths to keep yourself safe and looking your best. Myth #1: You should only use sunscreen after you have a base tan to protec

Ready To Look Younger? 4 Benefits You'll Receive From Cosmetic Dermatology

If your face is showing the signs of aging, but you want to avoid invasive procedures such as plastic surgery, you need to sit down with a cosmetic dermatologist. Dermatology isn't just for the treatment of skin conditions such as acne and eczema. Cosmetic dermatology is designed to help restore the youthful appearance of aging skin. Here are four ways that cosmetic d

Bites, Blemishes, And Boils: How To Determine If Your Skin Aliment Requires A Trip To The Physician

Skin eruptions are common and can pop up anywhere on your body. While many skin conditions are nothing to worry about, some can be serious and may require treatment by a physician. Knowing the difference between those that are serious and those that are not is important for your health. Bites While you can easily recognize the itchy, red bite of a mosquito, some insec

Undergo Combined Microneedling And Platelet-Rich Plasma Procedure To Correct Your Skin Flaws

Do you have skin problems that continue to drive you to distraction and make you look older than you are? You can benefit from microneedling technology that will get rid of all embarrassing and unsightly wrinkles, acne scars, and other troubling skin flaws that you determine to be unattractive. Microneedling works to prevent skin aging. This technology successfully re

One Little-Known Natural Psoriasis Treatment & One New Medication

Whether you have been struggling with psoriasis for years or you have recently been diagnosed with this autoimmune disease that causes skin scaling, then you likely want to take every step you can to keep it under control. However, if you are like many who suffer from the disease, you may struggle to keep your symptoms under control completely.  Read on to learn