Taking Better Care Of Your Skin

One Little-Known Natural Psoriasis Treatment & One New Medication

Whether you have been struggling with psoriasis for years or you have recently been diagnosed with this autoimmune disease that causes skin scaling, then you likely want to take every step you can to keep it under control. However, if you are like many who suffer from the disease, you may struggle to keep your symptoms under control completely. 

Read on to learn about one little-known natural psoriasis treatment & one new medication that was recently approved for stubborn psoriasis. 

Natural Psoriasis Treatment: Dead Sea Salt Therapy

It is important to remember that, even if you take a prescription medication to control your symptoms, trying some natural psoriasis treatments at home can help ward off your symptoms even more. 

Many psoriasis sufferers experience symptom relief by soaking in a bathtub filled with water and dead sea salt or simply submerging psoriasis-affected body parts into dead sea salt solutions. Dead sea salt contains many minerals that ordinary salt does not contain, including bromide and zinc—which can sooth irritated and itchy skin—and calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium.

For the best results, don't be stingy with the sea salt you add to your treatment water -- aim to include about 5 percent salt or more to experience the most itch and irritation relief. 

However, if you have the time and resources to travel to the Dead Sea, located in Isreal, then consider it. Many psoriasis sufferers have seen great psoriasis relief after spending at least two weeks in the Dead Sea, and some have even experienced full psoriasis remission after spending even more time relaxing in the water. 

Why is a trip to the real Dead Sea so effective at fighting psoriasis? This sea contains 10 times as much salt as the ocean, and when soaking in it during the day, you can benefit from both the mineral content of the water and the natural phototherapy you receive from the sun. This combination is very effective at fighting psoriasis. 

New Prescription Psoriasis Medication: Brodalumab

There can be nothing more disheartening than trying psoriasis medication after medication and not experiencing the full remission you would like to achieve. If you are always on the lookout for a new medication that may work better for you than the last one, you can now ask your dermatologist about a medication called Brodalumab. This psoriasis medication was just FDA-approved in February of 2017, and is now available to adults with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis who have failed to respond to both phototherapy and other psoriasis medications. 

This medication works by blocking a specific protein receptor (interleukin-17) that causes inflammation that leads to psoriasis symptoms and is available by injection.

If you suffer from plaque psoriasis and aren't experiencing the symptom relief you desire from your current medications and/or home treatments, then try this little-known natural psoriasis treatment or ask your dermatologist about the newly FDA-approved psoriasis medication. 

For more information about psoriasis treatment options, contact your doctor, or visit websites like http://www.eastcarolinadermatology.com.