Taking Better Care Of Your Skin

Dry Skin Patches? Why They May Be Concerning

Dry skin patches can just be dry skin, or they could be something more that this. Some dry skin patches may heal with lotion and time, but if you have dry skin patches that just don't seem to go away or are reoccurring, it may be concerning and could be more than just dry skin. If you have these patches on your body, you should get help from a dermatologist and have these areas checked and treated as necessary. Read on for reasons why these areas may be concerning and what it could be.


If you have reoccurring dry skin patches or patches that aren't clearing up with your usual lotion, it could be eczema. Eczema is extremely dry skin and needs a special lotion to clear up the eczema patches. They may flare up from time to time, but the eczema lotion you use can help clear up the patches much faster than most over-the-counter lotions. Be sure to continue to use the eczema lotion to prevent your eczema from worsening.


Psoriasis is a skin condition in which you may have redness and irritation along with dry skin patches. These patches may be inflamed and can pop up all over the body. You may be embarrassed by these patches, but they need to be treated properly with a cream ointment and medication as well. If you have these patches and they appear red and inflamed, you should seek help from the dermatologist.

Skin Cancer

Your reoccurring dry skin patches that aren't healing, or are worsening and evolving, could actually be a skin cancer patch on the skin. You may need these inflamed areas frozen off, or tested to see if they are cancerous. The process of removing these patches of skin can be done in the office and they are tested while you wait. If the patch tests for cancerous cells, you will need to have more skin removed and further testing will need to be done to ensure all of the cancer is removed. 

If you have dry skin patches on the skin, don't just assume it's a benign irritant. If it's reoccurring or if you have other symptoms such as inflammation or redness, it may be something more than just dry skin. You should make an appointment with a dermatologist to have your skin patch examined and treated as needed. For more information on dermatology issues, contact your doctor.