Taking Better Care Of Your Skin

Getting Rid Of Acne Often Comes Down To Little Habits

If you suffer from acne, then you are probably tired of waking up every day to see a spotted reflection in the mirror. This skin condition affects you deeply. It erodes your self-confidence if you let it, and it can set you on a never-ending quest for that one final treatment that finally gets rid of it.

But for so many acne sufferers, the answer does not lie in switching treatments. Rather, stick with the treatment your dermatologist is recommending, and re-direct your focus to these little habits which, for many people, cause acne to perpetuate in spite of proper treatment.

Change Your Pillowcase

Bacteria play a huge role in acne formation, and you'd be surprised how long they can live on a surface like your pillowcase. If you're like most people, you only change your pillowcase periodically, so each night, you are re-introducing acne bacteria to your face. Start switching your pillowcase every night, and you'll probably notice a lot fewer blemishes!

Don't Scrub

Scrubbing your skin may seem like a good way to get rid of pimples, but it actually damages your skin and creates micro-tears. These are the perfect spots for bacteria to enter and cause blemish formation. Instead of scrubbing, smooth your cleansing product gently over your skin, and then rinse your face with clear water. Pat your face dry rather than rubbing it with a towel, too.

Don't Use Pots of Moisturizer and Makeup

So many moisturizers and makeup products come in little tubs that you have to dip your fingers into. Each time you dip, you contaminate the container with bacteria -- and then you put those bacteria on your face! Try to avoid products with this packaging, and opt instead for ones that dispense with a pump. If you really love a product in a pot, always use a clean cotton swab, not your finger, to reach in and grab the product. 

Stop Touching Your Skin

So many acne sufferers unconsciously touch their blemishes and skin throughout the day. When you do this, you're contaminating your face and making blemishes more likely. Try to avoid touching your face. Ask friends to remind you when they see you doing this, and consider holding onto a stress ball you can squeeze when you feel the urge to touch your face.

If you work on the habits above, you should find your acne starts to subside without having to switch to a new treatment. Contact a medical office like Asheboro Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center for more information and assistance.